Stronger by Design

Welcome to the Pod

The Pod

If you are actively trying not to be a sheep, or you want to look back at your life and be happy, this is your new happy place. We will have experts in entrepreneurship, investment, and personal development on every episode and make sure episodes are packed with actionable tips, inspiring stories, and expert advice If you're sick of people telling you to be rich but not showing you how to do it, this is the place for you.


Disclaimer -

This show only cares about helping young men make their goals, thats it.


As a society, we often overlook the unique challenges faced by young men and fail to provide the necessary support and resources to help them thrive. This lack of attention and care can leave young men feeling lost, isolated, and unmotivated to pursue their goals. That's why we believe it's crucial to create spaces and communities that prioritize the needs and aspirations of young men, providing them with the guidance, mentorship, and tools they need to succeed. By investing in the potential of young men, we can help build a brighter future for all, one where everyone is empowered to pursue their dreams, no matter their gender or background.
